Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
MRCA 8TV Awards Speech.
MRCA 8TV Awards Speech.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1Malaysia.
Yang Berbahagia Datuk Johan Jaaffar, Chairman of Media Prima Berhad
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Tay Sim Kim, President of MRCA
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Amrin Awaluddin, Group Managing Director, Media Prima Berhad
Ahmad Izham Omar, Chief Operating Officer,Primeworks Studios, Media Prima Berhad
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Nelson Kwok, Deputy President of MRCA
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Eddie Choon, Founder President of MRCA
Mr. Lee Hwa Cheng, Immediate Past President of MRCA
Mr. Albert Chiang, Honorary President of MRCA
Mr. Goh Hin San, Chinese Content Advisor, Media Prima Berhad
Ms. Shareen Ooi, Chief Marketing Officer, Television Networks, Media Prima Berhad
1. I would like to begin by extending my sincere appreciation to the organizers for hosting me tonight. I am delighted to be a part of this event that honours our local entrepreneurs. This topic of entrepreneurship in one that I personally take great interest in.
2. The Government has pulled out all the stops to encourage entrepreneurial spirit and to boost our SMEs participation in our national economy. This is in tandem with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report that has found “fostering entrepreneurship means fostering a country's competitiveness”.
3. Therefore, allow me to briefly outline some of the Governments policies and initiatives in this regard. Let’s start with the overall benefits that our Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) has brought to the Rakyat.
4. FDI Inflows and Total Approved Investments (in the Manufacturing, Services and Primary Sectors) have surged to new heights in 2011.
5. UNCTAD ranks Malaysia as a top host country for FDI in 2011-2013.
6. Economic Transformation Plan objectives are on target as Domestic Investment has overtaken Foreign Investment as the main driver of the economy. And by that we mean better quality investments in high-technology now form a large portion of new investments.
7. Malaysia’s competitiveness ranking improves significantly in independent surveys conducted by the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. The World Bank Doing Business Report in 2012 states that Malaysia has improved up five places to 18th position from 23rd in 2011. The World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report for 2011-2012, ranked Malaysia 21st out of 142 countries thus gaining five spots up from the previous years. The Institute for Management Development World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011 states that Malaysia is still among the top 20 most competitive economies. This is just the beginning; MITI aims to make Malaysia amongst the top 10 nations by 2015 in the World Bank Doing Business Report.
8. Total FDI inflows into Malaysia in 2011 increased by 12.3 per cent to RM32.9 billion as compared with RM29.3 billion in 2010. The manufacturing sector accounted for the largest share of FDI inflows accounting for 50.1 per cent of total FDI inflows followed by the services sector (27.3%), mining and quarrying (22.2%) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (0.4%).
9. As you well know, Malaysia has set its sights to become a high-income and knowledge-based economy under the New Economic Model (NEM) introduced by the Government. To achieve this aim, the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in contributing to our national economic growth has become even more important.
10. Furthermore, the impact of globalisation, liberalisation of markets and the advent of technology and innovation have shown that today’s businesses can no longer continue to operate as how it used to in the recent past. This indeed is a defining moment especially for our entrepreneurs and SMEs, as they shift into higher gear and transform their business operations in order to protect their market share in this ever-changing and challenging business environment.
11. Therefore, to strengthen the economic foundation of SMEs in key industries, the Malaysian Government continues to provide strong support in developing competitive and resilient SMEs.
12. Most of the support programs provided by the Malaysian Government are focused towards building the capacity and capability of our SMEs, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship and human capital development which are vital in fostering productivity-driven business and economic growth.
13. At the same time, better access to financing is also given due emphasis particularly in promoting SMEs in new growth areas which include those identified as the National Key Economic Areas (NKEA).
14. Innovation and creativity is the way forward for a developing and progressive nation like Malaysia and in our quest towards becoming a high-income economy. Stronger economic growth can certainly be achieved through technological innovation.
15. The retail industry is another major contributor to the Malaysian Gross National Income (GNI), with almost half a million jobs generated in this sector. Acknowledging its importance to the Malaysian economic growth, retail has been designated as a National Key Economic Area (NKEA) under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), and targeted to more than double its GNI contribution by the year 2020.
16. These said initiatives and incentives are but a fraction of what the Government has instituted to help entrepreneurs and fortify our economy. Too many to mention here but we are indeed serious in improving the lives of the Rakyat. I welcome you to MITI if you require further information or assistance. We will do our best.
Honourable guests,
17.When I am asked what differentiates an entrepreneur from the rest, I tell them you have to have true grit. It is your fortitude and determination that makes the difference. I am sure that many of you present tonight have your own success stories and if it were not for your grit; success would not have been achievable.
18. My advice to young entrepreneurs is to hunker down for the long run.
19. In the words of the late Steve Jobs-“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”
20. And so before I end my short speech, I would like to commend Media Prima in particular 8TV as well as NTV7, Nanyang Siang Pau and MRCA for giving airtime and publicity to the nominees of tonight’s awards. This event complements the Government’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship and we can thank the organizers for their contributions. I would urge other private entities to assist the Government in fostering entrepreneurship particularly among our youth.
21. To my mind the categories of Entrepreneur of the Year, Most Innovative Entrepreneur as well as Up and Coming Entrepreneur includes the right aspects of assessment.
22.I wish the finalists the best of luck. You are all success stories as far as I am concerned. And with that, in keeping with the time allotted to me I take my leave.
23.Thank you.
Assalamualaikum W.B.T and Salam 1Malaysia.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Mr Ibrahim Al Janahi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority;
Mr Adil Al Zarooni, Senior Vice President Global Sales, Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority;
Yang Berusaha En Mohd Shukri Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of MIHAS Secretariat;
Tan Sri-Tan Sri, Dato-Dato’,
Members of the Media,
Honourable guests,
First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Mr Ibrahim al Janahi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority (JAFZA), for his willingness to grace today’s significant occasion. Your presence this afternoon is a clear indication of the commitment of one of the world’s biggest port authorities in developing and nurturing local Malaysian businesses onto the international marketplace.
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to all participants of this timely half-day seminar. This event is indeed appropriate given the fact that the West Asia region constitutes a sizeable share of the global consumer demand and also a major source of potential investment.
Distinguished guests,
Malaysian exports to the West Asia region expanded 15.1% to RM28.06 billion in 2011, accounting for approximately 4% of Malaysia's total exports to the world. Malaysia's biggest export market in West Asia is the United Arab Emirates (UAE), buying approximately RM12.86 billion worth of Malaysian goods throughout 2011.
This is followed by Saudi Arabia (RM3.97 billion), Turkey (RM3.09 billion), Iran (RM3.21 billion) and Kuwait (RM1.06 billion). Together, these five countries make up over 86% of Malaysia's total exports to West Asia.
Other markets which showed large increases in exports include Oman (RM728.5 million) and Qatar (RM559.7 million). Electrical and electronics (E&E) products, palm oil, jewellery, chemicals and chemical products as well as machinery, appliances and parts were Malaysia's major export products to the region.
This trade surge shows not only the improving quality of Malaysian offerings to be at par with the world’s best, it is also indicative of the promotional efforts played by Government-related agencies as well as the important role Malaysian companies are playing in expanding potential markets.
Despite these trade promotion efforts the Government also realises the need for a viable platform for Malaysian producers, traders and service providers to launch into the Middle East as well as the North African region known as the MENA region.
It is heartening to note that the relationship between Malaysia and these regions and UAE in particular has deepened over the years to include not just bilateral trade and commerce but also cooperation in various related fields including political, economic, scientific and cultural areas.
Indeed, Malaysia regards the UAE as an important trading partner and a source of potential investment. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise that since 2008, the UAE has become Malaysia’s biggest trading partner among the GCC countries. A number of UAE companies have invested in Malaysia including Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Mubadala, Limitless LLC and ADIA-to mention but a few.
Malaysia continues to aggressively promote trade through participation in Gulfood Dubai, Big Five, and other specialised trade missions/exhibitions.
Tourism is another sector where Malaysia has been promoting itself through participation in the Arab Travel Mart held in Dubai; Dive Middle East; Gulf Incentive & Business Travel and many other tourism related events. Malaysia is also attempting to draw in medical tourism and promote Malaysia as an education hub to Middle Eastern professionals.
To sustain Malaysia's growth exports in 2012, MITI will intensify export promotion programmes in the MENA Region. In addition, special projects targeting new and high value exports especially those identified under the National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) will be undertaken to niche and affluent markets within West Asia.
However for these types of programmes to generate exports for the country, it is important for the private sector to participate actively in these events and projects to promote their products and services to the international market.
Brothers and Sisters,
It is through such initiatives as this JAFZA S\seminar today that we hope to see greater participation by export-oriented Malaysian companies into the Middle East. Surely the large number of global Fortune 500 companies having existing presence at JAFZA is indicative enough of its inherent strengths and unique selling propositions in enlarging the bottom line of any companies, be it large multinational conglomerates or even small and medium-sized industries (SMEs).
I sincerely believe that there are numerous viable Malaysian producers and service providers out there that have similar or even higher industry accreditations as their international counterparts. For one, not only do they possess the usual international standards such as ISO, TUV or BRC, but they are also certified halal with the Malaysian Halal standard, making penetration to the Muslim majority countries within the Middle East desirable.
In this regard, continued partnership between JAFZA and MIHAS as the world's largest halal trade fair could prove vital in ensuring the steady supply of viable export-oriented halal-certified companies which are all keen in expanding their operations into the Middle East.
Furthermore, The Malaysian Government is appreciative of the large presence of almost 6,000 Malaysians in the UAE today. Since many are professionals working with foreign and local companies, they play an important role in strengthening the people-to-people relationship between our two countries and in promoting Malaysia as a brand.
Thus, before I take my leave, I would like to once again thank Mr Ibrahim Al Janari, Deputy CEO of JAFZA and the MIHAS Secretariat for making this positive event a reality. Ours is a long-term and mutually beneficial business relationship that I hope will grow stronger.
I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of MIHAS Secretariat to call upon the JAFZA management team to survey all the openings and opportunities that is prevalent at MIHAS 2012. With over 400 exhibitors from 32 countries and over 16,000 quality visitors from 70 countries, MIHAS has indeed firmly placed itself and Malaysia as the ideal platform to facilitate the sourcing and selling of quality halal consumables, products and services globally.
Finally, I would like to bid all local participants a warm thank you for taking the time to come today and wish that JAFZA and MIHAS 2012 which will begin tomorrow would provide a lucrative and fruitful outing for you and your company.
To all our distinguished guests and members of the media, thank you again for your kind presence and we look forward to your continued support in the coming years, Insha Allah.
Assalamualaikum WBT and thank you.
Assalamualaikum W.B.T, Good Morning and Salam 1Malaysia.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Syed Jalaludin Syed Salim,
Chairman of Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC);
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Seri Jamil Bidin,
Chief Executive Officer of HDC;
Distinguished Speakers;
Members of the Media; and
Honourable guests,
1. It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to this opening of the World Halal Research Summit (WHRS) 2012. To our foreign guests, I wish all of you ‘Selamat Datang’ and welcome to Malaysia.
2. Since its inception in 2007, the World Halal Research Summit has strategically positioned Malaysia on the global halal map as an important venue for intellectual discourse on issues pivotal to the growth of the halal industry. I am told that apart from presentations by our guest speakers who will share their findings, views and experience, the sessions will also reveal opportunities to generate wealth and achieve economic prosperity.
3. The World Halal Research Summit (WHRS) has over the years brought together researchers from established institutions committed to the development of halal knowledge both locally and internationally. Research on related products, processes, services and standards relevant to the halal industry are especially important-particularly in the commercialisation process.
4. Over the years, WHR attracted more than 2000 participants from over 165 organisations in 22 countries and has received worldwide media coverage. The theme this year – ‘Innovation as Catalyst for Business Transformation’ emphasizes the need to enhance innovation of our products and services, new processes, new business systems and new methods of management, which can have a significant positive impact on productivity and growth.
Honourable Guests,
5. The Malaysian Government has put into place numerous initiatives to further develop Malaysia as a preferred centre for halal R&D and Innovation. Besides providing the platform to network and exchange research findings such as this very summit, collaborations between HDC with strategic partners, universities and research institutes has successfully led us to tap on ideas and inventions which are ripe for commercialisation that will also be showcased at this event.
6. For your information, the WHR Poster Presentation will also be featured for the third time due to the overwhelming participation and support from higher learning institutions, both locally and internationally. It is encouraging to note the increasing involvement of the academia in halal innovation and research.
Honourable Guests,
7. Agensi Innovasi Malaysia and HDC will affirm their collaboration to drive innovation in the halal industry as a means to enhance Malaysia’s competitiveness in the global halal market. This will be done through customised innovation programs and activities to cultivate an innovative culture within the halal-related sectors. Both parties will provide continuous nurturing and advisory services on product viability to interested halal companies or venture capitalists. Coaching will also be provided to the innovators or researchers to market their innovative products or services. I hope investors and venture capitalists will take this opportunity to explore the possibility of commercialising their prospective halal products.
Honourable Guests,
8. As Malaysia transforms to a high-income nation, we need to put in place an eco-system where productivity, competitiveness and innovation drives the economy.
9. The holistic development of the halal industry and the rigorous application of new and emerging technologies in innovation and R&D throughout the halal supply chain can generate extensive growth and diversity within the industry. Coupled with the commercialisation of prototypes, the halal industry is set to make Malaysia the Centre for Halal Research and Innovation.
10. The future of Malaysia's economy will increasingly depend on the strength of our innovativeness and creativity. Our competitive edge will depend on our ability to innovate and commercialise those ideas. There is a need to embrace an environment where unique ideas and business can blend and eventually emerge as innovative products and services.
Honourable Guests,
11. I am sure this year’s summit will prove to be another fruitful event for the halal industry. I understand that our distinguished speakers will share their insights and views covering topics on innovation, branding, best practises, market access and many other halal related matters. Certainly, these are interesting topics which could be thought provoking to our participants. Therefore, it is my hope that this World Halal Research Summit will encourage extensive networking and mutually beneficial deals that contribute towards the prosperity of the halal economy. I hope you will all have meaningful and productive sessions throughout this summit.
12. On that note, let me thank our distinguished speakers and participants for their support. I wish all of you every success. As for our foreign guests, I hope you will take some time out to enjoy the sights and sounds of Malaysia.
13. Thank you.